Thursday, April 28, 2011

surprise success

well, after my disgusting binge the other night, things have been a lot better. i didn't want to come on here and say that i was doing well too soon, in case i jinxed it.
i barely ate anything yesterday before tea time, just some jellybelly jelly beans. (amazing!) and i only ate a small bit at dinner, and i purged straight after. so i feel like i didn't do too badly, especially for not planning specifically what i was/wasn't going to eat.
seeing as that worked so well, i didn't start today with any real plans either, and it's just after four and i still haven't eaten. i'm going out with sidney soon, and my parent is expecting me to eat tea while i'm out, but i won't have to, because sidney is used to me not eating. so yay! and then tonight is going to be so good, dnming and watching movies :D



  1. Congratulations. Don't you just feel so accomplished when a day goes by and you didn't end up eating too much!

  2. @SimplyHeather
    it's such a good feeling, isn't it! (:

    thanksss (:
    and yes, she is :p
