Sunday, August 07, 2011

yeah, im desperate.

i want people to look at me and think im sick
that im too thin
that i need to eat something
that i need help
i want them to whisper as they walk past, how jealous they are
how thin i am
how beautiful i am
i want everyone i know to be shocked when they see me
i want them to talk about me
i want them to be so envious
i want them to want to be me
i want to show them i am better than they are, a thousand times over
i want to be perfect
with nothing to hide
and be detested and envied for it
i want to show them all that they are wrong and be the best
i want to live
i want to be free
i want to be happy
i want to be thin


  1. ik wat thats like hunny good luck xoxo

  2. Here's one: I want to be as tiny as the girls in the thinspo pictures I post. Good luck to you. (:
    ~ Bella

  3. yes, that's a good one C:
    thankyouuu and good luck to you too <:
