Wednesday, August 10, 2011

iaslduyttuyh food makes me sickkkkk

so the whole no eating for the day plan got a little off track, but once again, not so terrible that im really beating myself up over it. although, any failure is bad.

so before i left to see my boyfriend, i had some cheese and dry biscuits, i know, wtf. cheese. eugh.
and all the while i was eating, i was trying to tell myself that it was because my boyfriend notices that my stomach growls all the time, and i didnt want him getting sus. but deep down i knew there was no excuse good enough.

then when i went to his house, i was feeding him dinner while he was gaming (homemade chicken fried rice), no, he isn't disabled ahaha he was just busy so i fed him c: anyway, whenever he eats, i always have a few bites of what he's eating, and he was like, why aren't you eating any? cause im pretty sure he didnt believe i ate before i came, so i let him feed me three or four bites. still a shit excuse, i could have said no :/

and then, i had two small bites of caramel mud cake.

i guess it wasnt really all that much food all up, but i still shouldnt have eaten at all.

at least i paid for it, writhing in agony from stomach pains for the last hour, and wanting to throw up since i ate :/
i would have, but there's no way that i could have done it without my boyfriend noticing.

anyway, im off to bed, im so exhausted lately :C

stay strong lovelies

1 comment:

  1. You had an off-track day, that's understandable.
    Just focus on what your goals for tomorrow will be and try not to slip up again. Good luck. (:
